How to Work with Brands for Instagram Sponsorship in 2019

How to do an Instagram Brand Deal in 2019

Have you ever wondered how to do an Instagram brand deal?

From pitching to negotiating to actually shoot the content, publishing and talking to the brand the entire time?

Well, if that all seems overwhelming and you’re not sure, you are in luck, because I am here doing a brand deal right now with these cute clothes on an amazing steam train in the United Kingdom and I will give you the inside scoop on how it’s done so you’ll be prepared for your next Instagram sponsorship. Welcome to Dare to Dream School. You can read on to find my best tips and tricks or watch my Youtube video and see how I do it.

How to do an Instagram Brand Deal in 2019 – Youtube

I thought since I was able to put together a brand deal, this was the perfect opportunity to show off my threads, get some wonderful pictures and bring you along so that you can learn how I was able to put this all together.

But first, while you’re here if you’re interested in learning more about social media growth, online videos and building a personal brand for you or your business, consider subscribing and turning on notifications so that you can be notified of my weekly live stream or I can answer your questions directly.

How to do an Instagram Brand Deal

So to start out with, I recently did a brand deal for Femme Luxe, which is a women’s fashion line in the United Kingdom.
Now they reached out to me. But if you’re a smaller Instagrammer, brands are probably not going to reach out to you.
If you want to learn how you can start getting sponsorship deals with a small following, make sure you check out part one of this post where I walk you through some proven tips and tricks that have helped me and other Instagrammers get sponsorships with a small account. Read:

How to Find Instagram Sponsorship with a Small Account

Once you have a brand deal in, these are the steps to follow in order to succeed with it:

1. Have an Email Linked in your Instagram BIO

Coming back to Femme Luxe Brand Deal whose marketing team somehow found out I was in the United Kingdom was probably based on some of my posts. They reached out to me because I had my email in my Instagram BIO. That’s why it’s really important that you have your email set up on your Instagram account. This way a business can contact you.

Femme Luxe reached out to me and what they did was they sent me to a special version of their website where influencers were able to pick out clothing. This was one of the outfits that I picked out.

View this post on Instagram

What’s the best trip you ever went on? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🚂 💨 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ As an American and native Californian who rode the Pacific Surfliner dozens of times alone as a child and later the Coast Starlight up the Pacific Northwest, I’ve had a casual love for trains much of my life.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you’re a book worm like me, or have the travel bug, you’ll know how perfect that feeling is to avoid driving or a noisy commute, settle into your window seat with a book and just watch the scenery go by as you get lost in a story. No jet lag, no cabin pressure, no honking. Just you and your journey… What’s your favorite travel story?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Top by @femmeluxefinery⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Train by @severnvalleyrailofficial⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #LuxeGal #SevernValleyRailway #SevernValley #VintageTrain #VintageLook #britishhistory #historynerd

A post shared by Michelle Osorio (@michelleosoriomartin) on

They were able to ship it to me very quickly to the place where I am staying here while I’m in the UK.

2. The Brand Specifications

Femme Luxe spoke about the terms and conditions. I won’t go too much into it, but usually, brands tell you something like it has to be posted within this amount of time. Usually, it’s a matter of a couple of weeks to a month that they give you to put your content together.

They might let you know the theme of their brand. They might give you a few do’s and don’ts of a window you need to be inside of.

All the brands I’ve worked with have been really flexible on the kind of content that I make because they want it to be authentic to their brand and how you normally post your Instagram pictures.

The brand might also give you some rules about what time you can post and particular hashtags you can use, which is partly what happened in my email.

They told me that I had a couple of weeks to shoot it and that there were specific time slots in which I could post, but that was about it. They were not very strict about any other books other than that.

Going back in time to when I received the package from this British company that wanted me to pick out some products. I picked them out on the website and have them shipped at my temporary location in England.

And there was the package delivered to me in a matter of days. These are the perks you get when you live the digital nomad lifestyle, which is what I do, I can work and travel whenever and wherever I want.

3. Do Some Homework and Setup

In the package, I got four products which were mostly just a bunch of sweaters. These are called jumpers here in the UK, although they’re turtlenecks. I got a variety of colors and because I like to be efficient and take advantage of free stuff, I also got them in special colors that will work specifically for some of the music videos that I plan to do over on my main music channel.

I’m doing some Steven Universe covers. It’s a cartoon show, so I am going to be wearing colors that match some of the characters in the show. Double bonus there as I got some cool outfits that work for my other projects as well.


As soon as you receive the package make sure everything fits before you think about how and where you are going to pose with the products. Especially if you are doing a brand deal with a fashion wear company.

With some clothing items, you will have to really channel your inner Fashionistas. Some mix and match and you can make really cool outfits for your pictures.

Once I was done with the fit and finish of the clothing items I went to the train station and took some shots. It’s interesting trying to find enough time to change and do all this with only a couple of train rides cause that’s what we paid for it. Yes, I went on a steam train.

4. Some Great Pictures

I took some pictures that spoke for both my brand and theirs. If there are any specific instructions from the brand follow them otherwise go with your regular Instagram/brand theme. Make sure you are going to catch your viewers with the idea behind your picture.


If you take pictures on a DSLR camera, you’ve got to put them in your laptop. Then it’s time to edit the photos. There are many ways you can go about that part.

Let me know in the comments if you want me to cover photo editing in the future and in what ways.

I often use Instagram or Lightroom to edit my photos. In this instance, I’m would use Lightroom. But because I’m short on time, I’m going to go ahead and invest some money in paying somebody else to edit photos. If you’re not at that stage with your business or you’re not ready, to invest in another person or to trust them, that’s totally fine.

You can either learn how to edit the photos yourself. Or you can use software like Adobe Lightroom, it is fantastic for photographers. Additionally, you can just spend a little bit of money on Fiverr. Or you can go to dare to dream school Fiverr page for a deal. I can get you if you’re curious and just want to start out with that.

Instagram Filters for Beginners?

If you’re just starting out and it’s a really basic brand deal, I personally think it’s fine to just use Instagram filters.
Try to finesse it, really go behind the scenes and use all of the editing functionality of Instagram. It’s up to you, but just remember you need progress, not perfection.

If someone is looking for a micro influencer, for instance, and you’re really new to this, I really don’t think there’s a problem with using Instagram filters as long as you put some care and quality into that.

Let me know in the comments if you want me to show you how to really make your pictures pop even with just Instagram, I really think that you can do quite a lot with just the APP.

5. Go Above and Beyond

You’re not completely done working with the brand. A lot of brands want to get a preview of what your post is going to look like, the final photos and also the captions.

In this particular brand I worked with, they weren’t particular at all. They just gave me a Hashtag and they asked me to tag them and that was it, which is pretty awesome. Usually, brands are not as easy going like that. Femme Luxe didn’t ask for a final review so I’m just going to post them without a review.

Use your Blog too

That can be it but I’m actually going to go above and beyond that. I do this a lot and you may want to consider that as well. I tend to throw in a bonus without promising anything and I’m going to post more than one photo because I want to embed them in my blog, which I’m just building up this now. I’m going to give them Instagram as well and then embed the Instagram photos in my blog, which is why I’m doing Instagram first.

instagram-sponsorship-with-small-account - media kit

So if the brand wanted to check and make sure your photos are okay and your caption is okay, then you’re ready to move on.

I will say I’ve never so far had any brand come back and say, Hey, can you change this one thing. They tend to want you to be authentic so as long as you speak in your voice, they’re usually okay with it. I’ve never had a problem where a brand wanted any kind of revision on my post.

Femme Luxe brand wants me to only post at particular times, so I’ll make sure to follow that and then just let the brand know.

Final Check

Remember, you went through all that work. The terms and conditions might have been that you only post it for 24 hours and then you’re allowed to remove it. That tends to be commensurate with the price. It’s up to you. I tend to keep mine up because I’m really happy with them and I tend to do really cool photos that I just want to keep on my feed. For that, I tend to make my price match that, but it just depends on what you want to do.

Another reason you want to add it to your portfolio is that you may want to have a media kit eventually and show, hey, I worked with these brands. That’s why it’s important to document, especially if you’re going to remove the post in 24 hours or two days. You definitely want to have a copy of that somewhere as proof of the collaboration.

These are the tips on how to rock an Instagram brand deal in 2019. If you want to grow faster on Instagram, I have lots of tips and tricks on that. I can show you how I grew my Instagram pretty fast and how you can too. Keep a lookout for my next posts.
Remember, you can do this. If you’ve never had a brand deal, you’ve never been paid, don’t worry. The theme of Dare to Dream School is never give up!

Always be a dare to dreamer and hit me up on Instagram, Michelle Osorio.

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How to do an Instagram Brand Deal in 2019



How to Find Instagram Sponsorship with a Small Account

how to find instagram sponsorship with a small account

Do you see people on Instagram showing off cool products and think Wow, I could never get a brand deal with my small account?

Well, the good news is you can. I’ve got some fresh new strategies for you based on personal experience when I was first starting out on Instagram. So if you’re looking for tips on how to find sponsors and are willing to work with small influencers, stick around, my friend!

How to Find Instagram Sponsorship with a Small Account

I’m Michelle Osorio, a filmmaker, and singer, Youtuber-turned entrepreneur and I was able to grow two Instagram accounts quickly to 23,000 and 20,000 followers, in just a matter of months. In this post, I’ll walk you through the strategies that made me achieve that and show you how to do it.

I’m writing this while on an awesome steam train trip here in the United Kingdom. I thought this would be the perfect place to do some Instagram photos for a brand deal and teach you some tricks.


First, real quick, if you’re interested in online video, personal branding, and social media growth for you or your online business, consider following my YouTube Channel so that you can stay up-to-date with my regular tutorials, updates, and live training. You can ask me questions directly in my weekly live Q and A’s.

Jumping right in, my top favorite tips to see results on Instagram are:

Don’t have a huge following? No Problem!


My first tip is if you’re just starting out, you don’t have to worry about having a following so much as just working on your engagement. If you don’t have a lot of engagement, you need to start working on that now.

Engagement just means that when people see the pictures on your Instagram, they’re going to like and they’re going to comment. They’re going to spend lots of time looking at the picture and examining it. And so that’s what it means that they’re engaging with the content.

Therefore, don’t be intimidated if you don’t have a big following. A lot of times these days, brands are actually looking for what are called micro-influencers, which means you may not have a big following, but you have a lot of engagement.

According to studies:

The numbers show that bigger influencers actually tend to have less engagement percentage-wise, which means if there’s an influencer with 100,000 followers, they might only have  2% or 3% engagement. That’s because people might not be commenting as much percentage-wise for the number of followers they have.

Whereas brands have started to notice that micro-influencers (people with very small followings), actually have a higher percentage of the people who are following them making comments and engaging. It’s a kind of a smaller community. That’s a good thing because if you’re a micro-influencer, you still have a good chance of getting a brand deal. It happens all the time.

Don’t just post…Engage!


Like I said, if your engagement is not very good, start working on that right now. Don’t just post something and then sit there and wait for the comments and the likes. You need to engage with the community just as much as you’re expecting engagement back.

Go to the people you’re following and go to the people that follow you and go leave them comments and replies. Go out there and be active and if anybody comments you need to reply back. In the beginning, if you’re trying to get more engagement, instead of just saying, oh thank you… If they say ‘nice picture’, why don’t you follow up with a question? Ask them how they’re doing today? Try to get a conversation going. Ask them what their favorite part of the photo or the video that you posted is.

The more comments you can get, the more engagement you’re going to get. That actually is a metric that brands might want to look at.

Identify audience before potential Sponsors


Next, you want to identify potential sponsors. A lot of people would advise you to just pick brands you like. That’s just half of the equation. It’s actually really important that you also identify who your target audience is.

In fact, that’s just as important in general for branding and for social media. You want to know who is your ideal customer or your target audience. What if most of the people who follow you on Instagram are 45-year-old moms who enjoy shopping and spending time with their kids? But you happen to love paintball so you go look for a paintball sponsorship. If you do something like that, there’s a big mismatch… The audience doesn’t care for the content.

If your audience doesn’t engage, the sponsor is unhappy. Everybody loses. Ultimately your job should be to serve your audience, to be there for them and to provide them with information that they’ll find valuable.

So what you want to do is show them products that they would be interested in. Before you do anything, you have to sit back and try to identify your audience.

Get talking in your brand’s community


The next thing you want to do is get talking in your brand’s community. Get talking to other people who might have similar interests. Start using relevant #hashtags. For instance, let’s just say you really like a certain clothing brand. Don’t just use the hashtag of the brand, go look and see the kind of campaigns that they’re doing. There could be seasonal campaigns or giveaways.  Use those hashtags. Start tagging them in posts and stories.

Really engage so that you start getting on their radar to prepare for when you’re ready to start talking to these brands. This goes beyond just Instagram. Twitter is actually a really great place to engage with brands too. That’s actually how I was able to start conversations with particular companies and have a two-way dialogue. Eventually, I was able to become a brand ambassador for a few companies just by engaging with them on Twitter. Twitter’s a great place for one-on-one communication.

The idea is that you want to start warming brands up to you. You want to be talking to them. When you’re ready… you can slide into their DMs and see if they’re ready. You can do a soft pitch and just say,

Hey, love to work with you sometime. If you ever think that I’d be a good fit for one of your campaigns.

Then you can hit them up again. It’s totally fine.

What’s the worst that’ll happen?

They’ll say, no?

If you think you’re ready, you can graduate to a formal pitch. This is where you put together a proposal or at least a well-thought-out letter. Not a copy/paste but something that is customized for the brand.

Do a Google search and try to find somebody from marketing or PR in the company, but a lot of times companies are actually using an outside PR firm or an outside PR agency. That’s a little bit hard to figure out and that’s why it’s good to start building those relationships with the brand first. That way they might keep you in mind and refer you to the PR agency later.

Too shy to reach out? There is a way out.

too shy to reach out to sponsors?

If you find direct pitching too difficult or maybe you’re just a little shy and you’re not ready to reach out to brands… Something you can do is create an account on websites like Aspire IQ or or if you have enough followers you can join Famebit. All of those are basically a third party service, as a middleman that aggregates opportunities that the brands have brought to this  website and then you can just look for campaigns you’re interested in and apply.

I have done those a few times. It’s easier in the sense that I don’t have to feel shy about approaching anybody. I can just submit a proposal, but I already know what kind of campaigns the brand is going for. They’ll already have terms set (like of how many followers you need to have, how much engagement you need, etc.) on these websites.

What’s cool about it is if you grant permission to a site like this, it will gather helpful information, analytics and insights that the brands can use. For instance, the brand might have a campaign that says,

Hey, we want to show off fall colors in our clothing collection, but you need to have these many followers and 5% engagement on your posts… and we’re looking for these type of influencers in this country.

That’s really helpful, right? Because then you know if you fit the criteria or not. I do this once in a while, and I would say that I get approved probably about half the time, which is pretty good… and I’d say that’s probably because I’ve always had really good engagement even when I haven’t had a lot of followers.  I try my best to engage with my community, replying to everybody as best I can, and then looking at my top engagers and going to visit them on their profiles and talking to them, commenting on their pictures, liking and more. You gotta pay it forward. That’s super important if you’re going for the engagement.

Get a Media Kit

instagram-sponsorship-with-small-account - media kit

The next level to this is to create a media kit. That’s where you put together slides with helpful information about your audience demographics. You might show some of your portfolios. Now that could be an entire post in and of itself. So let me know in my YouTube comments if you want me to talk more about what it’s like to make a media kit.

But just so you know, that could be an overkill. I’ve never created one and I was able to get lots of brand deals. That’s actually something on my to-do list that I really need to work on. So it is and it isn’t necessary. But, if you don’t have followers, it doesn’t hurt to have a media kit under your belt.

Let’s say that you pitch a brand or you just DM them and say, Oh, I’d love to work with you. … and then they actually reply! [Gasp] It actually does happen a lot. So are you prepared for the next stage for negotiating? How to talk about terms?

I actually talk about that in my next post where I take you through the anatomy of a brand deal from beginning to end. So, make sure you check out that video or blog post. You can subscribe to my mailing list to keep in the loop.

Lastly remember, this is doable. You can do anything you set your mind to. Don’t let anybody talk you out of your dreams.


Never give up.

Always be a Dare to Dreamer.


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